Here is the 3rd update for the Zoo. Below is a general update, some info on awards, 9th age “Hotfix”, and a spotlight on the “This is Not a Test” game (plus see attached pics/preview). As usual feel free to send me any questions you may have.
The website is: Infernal Zoo
So we are about 3 weeks out, registration and the $$ pledge is moving along, so far $620 of the $770 needed to break even has been pledged (a few people haven’t chimed in on their pledge so I assumed at least $15 for those). Make sure to sign up soon that we can arrange for the right amount of tables being setup.
We will have prizes! Secret Weapon will be providing some of its amazing painting products for prizes and Josh will be getting prize support from Wyrd. Also several people have offered to bring in additional prize support from their personal treasure troves! Remember there will be painting awards so go ahead and add on some more highlights in the next coupl’a weeks ;-)
The 9th age “Hot fix” rules update summary can be found here:
All the applicable downloads have been updated, this is mostly a nerf to “too” popular units. Quick details are included at the end of this message.
This is not a Test!
We have been having great fun with this game all year and Tony has setup an excellent campaign for those wanting to get in on the action. We will have games Friday night and Saturday. So if your Playing Malifaux, come up on Saturday and take on the Apocalypse, or if your doing 9th age come down on Friday Night. Newcomers welcome and we will have premade warbands.
“This is not a test” (TNT for short) is a post apocalyptic skirmish game that is miniatures independent. Its an excellent game to scratch that hobbist itch with great opportunities for modeling, converting, and building terrain (we have a pretty decent terrain set for a blasted Sacramento at this point, and who dosn't wanna see that). This is combined with excellent balanced gameplay to result in a really satisfying gaming experience. Typical model count is 5-10 miniatures and the rules are a great evolution of the necromuda-Mordheim type systems incorporating modern tweaks.
A excellent Demo video can be seen here:
And there is great community and developer support on their facebook page:
Attached are some preview pictures of our terrain set and a flyer Tony put together for the Infernal Zoo event
9th Age Update
Changes to each army book summarized below (these will be used for our the 2016 Infernal Zoo).
- The altar of battle goes up to 200 points
-The skysloop mount will loose its shooting weapon and becomes 20 points cheaper.
- The Kadim titan will go up 25 points, and the Titan looses its 4 plus wardsave (still retaining its 5+ wardsave
- Tribesmen will lose their Heavy Armour
- Entwined roots will have a maximum unit size of 6
- We will change ethereal to 3+ / 5+ and also make the green knight from KOE a bit cheaper)
- Plague Pendulum will go up to 215 points
-There will be a lot of clarifications in the rules themselves (think FAQs etc).
-Rule changes to prevent “character teleportation”.